

六字真言是「唵嘛呢叭咩吽」,意思是「禮敬蓮中寶」。在藏傳佛教裡,傳說六字真言是 阿彌陀佛傳授給 觀音菩薩的密咒,護持觀音菩薩度化眾生的悲願。由於咒語簡短易記,功德成就極大,成為世間人們喜愛持誦的真言。此咒不但在西藏家家戶戶誦念,甚至在漢地、西方世界也很盛行,可算是流行全世界的 觀音神咒。




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(卷七 禮記)

Confucius said, “A leader must respect his ministers because they are the representatives of the people. He must choose ministers close to him carefully because they are the role models for the people.”

Scroll 7:Li Ji


source: Chapter One 尊賢 Be Respectful of Wise and Able Ministers

The Governing Principles of Ancient China  群書治要360 (中英對照版)


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The Vows of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Sutra


First, to pay the highest homage and venerable to all Buddhas.

Second, to preach (the virtues of) and to praise (the glories of) the Tathagatas(Buddhas).

Third,  to make abundant offerings for the veneration to the Buddhas.

Fourth, to be penitent and confess one's evil karma's (deeds).

Fifth, to rejoice at the merits and virtues of others.

Sixth, to request Buddhas to set in motion "The Wheel of Dharma".

Seventh, to beseech Buddhas to remain in the world.

Eighth, to be a zealous follower of the "Way of the Buddhas" forever.

Ninth, to be always in harmony with all beings (Bestowing on them gifts according to their needs).

Tenth, to turn over all one's merits to (benefit) all beings.


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